Sometimes an Ending is Really a Beginning
Hope this finds you all well this week, God is with us where we go and will always follow us if we follow him.
The first video will be “Nearer My God to Thee” by The Piano Guys
Click the following picture to watch this week’s message on “Sometimes an ending is just a beginning” for Sunday, May 3, 2020. Leave us a message below if you are enjoying our weekly messages.
The final music video for this week will be “His Eye Is on the Sparrow” by Steps to Christ-Fountainview Academy
Don’t forget to social distance yourself from others as we try to go back to a normal life to keep yourself safe. I hope that we can return to our weekly services in the next couple of weeks.
Follow my advice and if you are in Pig Pens space you are too close.

Leave us a comment with the form below, let us know what’s on your mind. Let us hear from you while we are apart.
Any questions for Wayne during this time Please use the email ( or facebook page and Wayne will get back to you shortly.
Please be patient and stay at home if you can. If you want to watch the last sermon use this link here. For a list of older sermons available on this website, visit this link.
For information about giving your Tithes and offerings to the church, see the address in this link.
Have a great week and God Bless.
Thankyou so much Brother Wayne and Miss Julie,,,l really appreciated and enjoyed listening to your service it made me feel like l was back there with you all..
I enjoyed coming to your service’s on Sunday mornings when l was over there and am looking forward to catching up with you all,,Please all keep safe lots of love Annette.❤❤
Thankyou Brother Wayne and Miss Julie really enjoyed watching your service,,made me think l was back there with you all
Miss you all and hope and prey to be able to see you all very soon,,thankyou again for sending me your service ,,l always looked forward to being able to attend your service’s when lm over there..
Please take care and give my best to all lots of love Annette❤❤❤