Prayer Concerns

Prayer and Praise List

Ministerial Concerns
1 st Baptist Church Hillsboro and community
Alonzo and Barbara Walton: Missionaries
IMB/NAMB Missionaries
Ministry Growth: Pray for new people and new
NBBC Players
Opportunities for Evangelism in the community
Health and Personal Concerns:
All Traveling at this time
Allen Calkins
Alpha Mahurin: Health
Alvin Keef: Unspoken prayers for a friend
Amber Rauscher: has stage 4 Cancer.
Annette: Health, Cancer- not doing well
Hodges: Health
Becka: pelvic cancer
Ben: health
Bennett: Personal, has PTSD
Beth/Berry Yancy: health
Betty (Pat Blair's sister): Health
Bob (John, Wilma, & Chris’s neighbor): heart
Brenda Stiles: health
Brianne: Health
Bruce: health
Budget Concerns
Candice: Concerns- Health
Carol Clift: health
Carrie: health
Carol Figes: health
Carolyn Brinkman: Health, breast cancer
Cheri: health
Cheryl: Brain Cancer
Christine Ray: Lupus
Christopher Mazdra: health, personal
Chrystal Hoekel: Health, back and leg
Clark: Health
Connie Browning: health
Dakota (Sally Hermann’s Grandson): Health
Daniel S: Personal
Daniel Walker: cancer in the hip and lungs
Darrell Bullis: Health, doctors/personal
Deb Thomas: Health
DiAnna Adkins: health, kidneys
Diane Graham: health
Derryl: Health/personal
Devin and Brianna: personal/health
Don Hoekel: health
Don and Cathy: health
Donna Horn: Cancer
Dustin: Health
Eric Hanson: heart issues
Erin Roberts: health
Evelyn (Dog): Training
Gene Keefe: Health, Parkinson's
Gennie Sholts: health
Granger: health
Heather Flora: Knees, work, Family/personal
Jean Sholts: health
Jeff Penny: health
Jennifer Harris: Health

Jerry Harris: heath
Jim Graham: Health, radiation
Joan: Health
Jordan's Mom: health
Jordan: (Uncle) health/Personal, (Father) Health
Joseph: Health
Judy Ashbrook: Health
Judy Owen: health
Julie Norris: Health
Katy Lix: Health
Kelly Cordell & Family: health
Ken Flora: Alzheimer’s, health
Ken and Cindy Slinger: Health
Ken Vogel: Health
Kim: Health, bone spurs on legs
Kyle Matthews: Health
Lacey: Health
Laurie Bouska: health/personal
Laura McAtee: health
Lavella Moore: Health
Leah: health
Liam and Dad: health
Lianne R.: Health
Linda Hurtgen: health
Lisa: health, family/Nieces and Nephews
Lisa Hensley: health
Logan: Health
Loma Scaggs: health
Lauren Norris: health
Louise Scoggin: kidney/health
Madelyn: Health
Marsha: health, Damage to Sciatica
Mary (Julie’s friend): health
Mary McKinney: Health
Matt Bailey & Family: health/personal
Matthew Poropat: Health/psoriasis
Melony Hudson: Ovarian Cancer
Open hearts and Ears to the Lord
Pat Blair and daughter: Health
Peggy Wittrock: cancer around Heart
Perry Adams: health, heart and kidney issues
Pete Wright: Health, sister’s health
Phillip Green and Family: personal
Phyllis: health/rest
Rich Flora: personal
Riley: Health
Rose’s Father: Heart issues
Sandra: Health
Sandy King: strength with Ken's Alzheimer's’
Sara Beck: health
Scott Hammond: personal
Shane: health/cancer
Sharon Fleming-Robinson: Health
Stress/worry that everyone is carrying
Sue Boswell: Health
Summer: Family/Personal
Susie: needs Kidney
Tammie Keefe Health, personal/family
Tammy Mazdra: Health
Ted Cage: health
The Homeless & struggling
Tony Jones: health
Traci: health
Theresa: Health
Teri: heart problems

Trina: health
Unspoken Prayers
Wayne Norris: Health
Wilma: grieving family & Friends
All our visiting families/friends.
Good Times with friends and family
New Church attendees: transparency, vision of
New classes in the making and other teaching

Salvation /Decisions

Cassie: Pray, as her faith has waned due to hardship.
Jeff: pray for Jordan as he witnesses to him,
Tim Wiggley and his family: pray for Jaime as she
Witnesses to them through social media
(they live in UK)
Community, Country, and the World
All service personnel and their families.
All the people in our community.
Leaders of our Country
Our Nation/fighting- everyone effected
People out of work or looking.
Suicide Watches
The children of our nation/Community
Our Veterans and their sacrifices
War in the East / Terrorist attacks
Israel/Gaza/Iran conflict
Ukraine/ Russia conflict
Please help in keeping the Prayer and Praise list
up to date by providing updates and information
when anything needs to be removed or updated.



  1. Bill LeGear

    Linda Hurtgen is schedule for an operation at Missouri Baptist sometime in Feb. Might be as an out patient, not sure. Keep Linda in your prayers.

    1. Bill Williams

      Happy new year brother Wayne from Bill Williams

  2. Annette Carroll

    Dear Brother Wayne and Miss Julie,,has been awhile since answering you all,,preying that all is well with each and everyone,,,thank you so much for all of my sermons each week ,l enjoy listening to each and everyone of them,,lve just redone throat surgery again,,voice is a little raspberry and changed again to another new treatment ,,but l’m keeping my spirits up and thankful for great surgeons.We are just about to go into winter not really my favourite time of year..Hopefully if things start to settle down with travelling l am hoping to be able to travel over next year in your summer time,,would be so good to see everyone,,take care and God Bless you all,,♥️♥️🙏🙏Annette

    1. John Hunt

      Thank you for your comments and continued support of our ministry. Bundle up for the cold wintertime.


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