Welcome to Christmas week. The sermon this week will be “Humbleness Changed It All”. Pastor Wayne will give his message about the birth of Jesus.
Join us for a live service at our location of #5 Ridgewood Hillsboro, Mo. Sunday School for all ages at 10 and our church service will follow at 11. We do have something each Sunday night at 6, each week is a different activity.
Humbleness Changed It All
The opening music video is “Because of Bethlehem ” by Matthew West.
Pastor Wayne will open his sermon by reading from the Bible. Luke 2:1-7 Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem to be Taxed. The birth of the child Jesus was due. No room at any Inn so they stayed in a place where they kept their animals. And the child was born.
He will continue with his sermon on “Humbleness Changed It All”. Join us for this message with the link below.
Closing this week’s message will be the music video “Manger Throne” by Phil Wickham.
Thanks for viewing our services this week. Jane was on the piano this week.
Please join us for next week’s services at our new location at the old Hillsboro School Administration Building at 5 Ridgewood Drive in Hillsboro, on December 29, 2024 at 11 AM. We are just a couple blocks south of Karsch’s market on Business 21.
Sunday School this week, at 10 am.
Home Bound and Prayer Concerns
We have several members who have had surgery or a recent hospital stay, please keep them in your prayers.
Please Pray for those at school this time of the year. We have several going to College and regular schools. Pray for the Teachers that teach our children to keep them safe.
For those who know someone who is home-bound without the internet, drop us a note as we are putting the weekly services on media that people can play on a computer or DVD player. Let us know your needs and we can get you copies of all of our sermons that are on the web.
To view a list of the church’s prayer concerns visit our page with the complete list of people that need our direct prayers.
For those who still do not yet feel comfortable in crowds, we will continue to post our sermons once a week. For those out of our area like Annette, we will continue to pray for you and give you a sermon every week.
Bible Study
No Bible Study for the next 2 weeks as we celebrate Christmas and the New Year. We will continue Bible Study on January 8th next year at 7 PM at our new location in Hillsboro, for directions see the map to the right. Come join us as we study God’s word from the book of Ezekiel.

Leave us a comment with the form below, and let us know what’s on your mind. Let us hear from you while we are apart.
Any questions for Pastor Wayne during this time Please use the email (wayne@nbbcjeffco.org) or Facebook page and Wayne will get back to you shortly.
Please be patient and stay at home if you can. If you want to watch last week’s sermon use this link here. For a list of older sermons available on this website, visit this link.
For information about giving your Tithes and offerings to the church, see the address in this link.
Have a great week and God Bless