Message for April 5 2020

Pastor Wayne K. Norris

As we continue with the social distancing that will keep the Covid-19 in check, Pastor Wayne has recorded the message for this week and a video that will enhance it. Please click on the video below for the music for this week from a Virtual Choir singing In Christ Alone For this weeks message from … Read more

Message for March 29 2020

Pastor Wayne Norris

Please view the following videos to get the message from Pastor Wayne as we are bound to our homes for the time. The first video is from O Gnade Gottes played on the Wonderbar Click on the following picture to play Pastor Wayne’s message Any questions for Wayne during this time Please use the email … Read more

What does “to be with you” mean to You

What does “…to be with you…” mean to you? Isaiah40:8-20 Emphasis passage…”for I am with you” Sunday 11/01/2015 New Beginnings  Baptist Church There are those whom you and I really like being around, aren’t there?  These likable folks are special to us.  And for whatever the reason, when they happened into our lives, this “connection” … Read more